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/ The Fatted Calf / The Fatted Calf.iso / Applications / UUCP / UUCon / Source

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Directories (2)
Name# Files   Name# Files
English.lproj4   info.subproj7

Images (1)

Text (31)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ConController.h Text File 87 2KB 1994-01-29
ConController.m Text File 390 9KB 1994-05-23
Defaults.h Text File 78 2KB 1992-09-14
Defaults.m Text File 123 2KB 1992-08-17
EnhancedApp.h Text File 28 928b 1992-08-17
EnhancedApp.m Text File 52 1KB 1992-09-14
EnhancedText.h Text File 30 968b 1992-08-17
EnhancedText.m Text File 90 2KB 1992-08-20
gnuGeneralLicense.txt Text File 253 12KB 1992-08-17
gnuLibraryLicense.txt Text File 482 25KB 1992-08-17
LogController.h Text File 50 1KB 1992-11-10
LogController.m Text File 128 3KB 1992-11-10
Makefile Makefile 54 1KB 1994-01-29
Makefile.postamble Makefile 17 439b 1994-01-29
Makefile.preamble Makefile 5 78b 1994-01-29
PB.gdbinit Text File 9 141b 1994-01-29
PB.project Text File 35 1KB 1994-01-29
PrefController.h Text File 41 1KB 1992-11-10
PrefController.m Text File 120 3KB 1992-11-10
ProgressView.h Text File 35 600b 1992-11-10
ProgressView.m Text File 126 2KB 1992-11-10
StringStorage.h Text File 41 2KB 1992-11-10
StringStorage.m Text File 90 2KB 1992-11-10
Subprocess.h Text File 96 3KB 1993-01-31
Subprocess.m Text File 420 9KB 1993-01-31
sweep.psw Text File 38 679b 1994-01-29
SweepView.h Text File 34 1KB 1992-11-10
SweepView.m Text File 67 2KB 1992-11-10
UUCon_main.m Text File 16 325b 1994-01-29
UUCon.iconheader Text File 3 40b 1992-08-17
version.h Text File 33 924b 1994-01-29